CareerBuilder has just launched a job search site that attempts to do just that, allowing users to find out how their credentials stack up to other candidates for a job. 凯业必达(CareerBuilder)刚刚推出的一个求职网站便计划提供这项服务,使网站会员通过对比同一个职位的其他求职者,更好地了解自己的竞争力。
Broadly speaking, Magnus is a web service, and not every web service needs an MVC stack framework to get the job done. 广义上说,Magnus是一个Web服务,而并不是每个Web服务都需要MVC堆栈框架才能完成工作。
You can stack those up by simply adding an ampersand () between successive name/ value pairs, like this: name= jennifer job= president. 只需简单地在连续的名称/值对之间添加一个“与”符号(),即可将其放在一起,就像这样:name=jenniferjob=president。
11. How does she ( he) stack up against the other candidates that I've already interviewed for the job? 11、她(他)和其余我面试过的应征者比起来怎么样?
If you need to do some quality assurance work on some data or screen a stack of job applications, you need uninterrupted silence, and in some workplaces, the only places to get that are conference rooms. 如果你需要处理一些数据上保证质量的工作,或浏览一堆工作的申请,你就需要一个不受打扰的安静的地方,而在一些公司,唯一能够符合要求的就是会议室了。
I got a stack of different job offers. 我有许多不同的就职机会。
The lowest channel in this stack always does the same job: It maps the message being sent to whatever mechanism is used to transport that message. 在堆栈中最底层的通道所做的工作是相同的,即负责将要传递的消息与用来传输该消息的相关机制映射起来。
Based on what you know about our industry right now, how does your ideal job stack up against the description of the job you're applying for? 根据你刚才对我们行业的了解,你现在申请的这个职位和你期望的职位有什么差别?